what is Ochu?

Ochu is an exolang I made for a project, but I forgot what project. Ochu also has two sister languages; Afiɫdaz and Eastern-Ochuan. Eastern-Ochuan is an hyperdialect of Ochu.


word order - when the phrase only includes two words, the word order is SR (Subject-Rest of the fucking phrase). otherwise, the order becomes SVO.

nouns - a noun ends with -az in plural. Verbs - link


word order - when the phrase only includes two words, the word order is SR (Subject-Rest of the fucking phrase). otherwise, the order becomes SVO.

nouns - a noun ends with -az in plural. Verbs - link


aǂkhu'e aǂkhu ni'niko j'ǂkhazao, j'ni'veta niko.