ðis page is currently unfinished.
Sona is a conlang ðat I am working on ðat is made to only have one word. Oðer words could be made using suffixes.
(1) so; [so~zo]; noun, pron, adj, №; this, that, here, then, noun, thing, they, them, the, one
Ðere are zeven gender inflections in sona.
gendrnull or unknown gender does not change anyþing about ðe word.
masculine/inflection-undefined miaspec changes the last vowel to an E.
feminine genders change ðe last vowel to an A.
non-binary or agender puts an E before ðe last vowel.
multigender or semigender changes the last vowel to an U.
demigender or offgender changes the last consonant to a K.
xenogender of inflection-unidentified genders change the last consonant to a K and the last vowel to an A.
genderfluidity changes the infflection to ðe current gender and so does genderfluxidity.
other inflections can be found at sona's fandom page.
word order
usually SOV (subject-object-verb). there also is an additional rule called V2. because of this, sentences with only one verb appear in SVO (subject-verb-object) or VSO (voortgezet-speciaal-onderwijs). However, any other verbs or verbal particles are placed at the end of the clause in accordance with the underlying SOV order, giving an intermediate order of SVOV(V)(V) etc.. In imperative sentences, the verb of the main clause is placed first. appositional phrases are in TMP (Time-Matter-Place) order.
ai -> [aɪ]
eo -> [œ]
ia, ie, io, iu, ieo, iai, etc. -> [ja], [je], jo], [ju], [jœ], [jaɪ], etc.
si<vowel> -> [ʃ<vowel>]
letter | a/а | b/б | e/е | f/ф | i/и | k/к |
pronunciation | [a] | [b] | [e] | [f~v] | [ɪ], [i] | [k] |
letter | l/л | m/м | n/н | o/о | p/п | r/р |
pronunciation | [l] | [m] | [n] | [ɔ], [o] | [p] | [r] |
letter | s/с | t/т | u/у | v/в | w/ԝ | y/- |
pronunciation | [s~z] | [t̪~t~ʈ], [ʈ] | [u] | [f~v] | [w] | unspecific |